Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dubai: A new look to corporative art

Man has built marvellous structures through hundreds of years. In this famous list many buildings can be found: the Colossus of Rhodes, the Alexandria lighthouse, the Egyptian pyramids, the Artemis temple, etc. These buildings were made according to the sophistication of each society.

Today man has heroically tried to fight against the unbreakable laws of physics and revolutionize architecture. In ancient times marvellous buildings were made for a close encounter with the divine and to express power to other nations. Today corporations had built symbols of wealth and extreme art. Man is trying to imitate god’s “creative” magnificence or even improving it along time. Power and extreme luxury are represented in a complex corporative art which shows that Physics’ laws can be beaten.

These last few years had defined the gap between the XX century with the shining and new XXI century, by applying the aerodynamic characteristic to almost 90% of cars, products, and architecture.

In the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s New York was the centre of urban world. Today, the international city of Dubai has stolen the title with extraordinary merits. The 80% of its population is made up by foreigners, which makes Dubai the most notorious buildings ever made by man.

The tower of Babel was an old legend about a huge building that would serve as stair to reach god. Today this has become a reality with a new building that is under construction and has the name of Burj-Dubai, is planned that its height will be 3 times bigger than the American Empire State. Also an amusement park is under construction and it will be much bigger than Disneyland. What in the 70’s was fiction…today is reality.

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