Monday, November 23, 2009

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Visions of The Future: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


Now we are with Jorge Galantini. We will interview him. And the first question is:

How will the campaign "Save the world" Affect the way houses are build and in what form?

As the campaign regards the responsible management, well all activities of the human species must be geared to that because the properties that are available are not automatically renewable. We cannot continue preying e.g. forests, we know that to make a paper are many years what it takes to grow a tree. Then in the case of handling new materials also must replace those who had been in use centuries ago that are harmful to health, then everything must be geared to that. To safeguard the ecosystem in which we all live.

You think American countries should try to copy the mega constructions that are currently doing in Dubai?

For if you undertake a very tall building to the ground which is a resource too, then say in an area 100 by 100, two acres if you can do 100 floors of residential units that can be stacked in a single site because otherwise you would have to scatter all in an area which is not available, it is expensive to enable urban land, but that also leads to the other party that such buildings are made with modern technologies that are expensive right now as we are a country of scarce resources more wisely is more focused in other directions. Furthermore would be very odd one or two mega construction for cod sectors is built something like this has to be harmonious development because it creates differences that are harmful over time.

Will the new architectural designs improve the life quality or would be only a matter of luxury?

A bit of both but is oriented to people with even greater access to visa like purchasing power and it becomes a question of people CaHCO and pans because your home will cost more than the neighbor and not be better simply because they spent more. But if there are a lot of discoveries that are coming and they are becoming more affordable s most. Pro example have heard of smart buildings that lights and air conditioning are scheduled, but all this equipment has a cost that is out of reach of all but which over time should be more accessible to the majority, and that help because many times you forget and leave the lights on let the air leave the water running and these are more reliable equipment that will eventually refine and have a way of surveillance among them. You forget to do something and be active all alone, there are people that will travel a two weeks, leaving the toilet that does not close and the water goes and goes and is tragically that. Many times people do not feel it but when you go to a new town and you see people collect the water in the truck and its cylinder has to last a week there if you are staying half an hour under the shower.

As you think, is architecture going to improve for 2030? Can you mention some aspects on how to accomplish this?

Well to say where and how you will get depends on the creativity of the architects who design buildings aesthetically and functionally and that will go hand in hand with new materials and new technologies. Not in function but given the new technologies and applications help reduce costs is not a matter of privilege but as they are spreading in the market and further that access be because at first there are many systems that import or else represents a company and you are there and charge what they want, when they are 4 or 5 sets the market and its rules and then it is put into a more manageable Standards, for all and improving the technological as well it is in the economic part.

What is your opinion about school improvement of new technologies?

Well is part of the evolutionary process of the school. The school has to be and tries to keep the tip of the new technologies provided they are not technologically nor economically unmanageable but it is clear that every year they are installed improvements for the good of all the students not only in the end are the here that more crops but to facilitate the work of teachers of the authorities and that goes hand in hand with the buildings that are growing and the projects that are already established for some time because there are adjusted to improve those things. Even when we are under construction on the road never fails to be introduced. Even after the end have to make modifications to suit this new technology is now seen that the advance of science is now so exponential that processes that previously took for 5 to 10 years can now be done on computers that turn after 3 years and no longer serve the bone obsolete school here until there is further refined and will evolve and that's a decision is rooted interest of the school authorities to provide these cutting edge tools that are affordable and is something for the student zooming because if they go out and not have known existed that, that will not happen because they are aware of new innovations Technology

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dubai: A new look to corporative art

Man has built marvellous structures through hundreds of years. In this famous list many buildings can be found: the Colossus of Rhodes, the Alexandria lighthouse, the Egyptian pyramids, the Artemis temple, etc. These buildings were made according to the sophistication of each society.

Today man has heroically tried to fight against the unbreakable laws of physics and revolutionize architecture. In ancient times marvellous buildings were made for a close encounter with the divine and to express power to other nations. Today corporations had built symbols of wealth and extreme art. Man is trying to imitate god’s “creative” magnificence or even improving it along time. Power and extreme luxury are represented in a complex corporative art which shows that Physics’ laws can be beaten.

These last few years had defined the gap between the XX century with the shining and new XXI century, by applying the aerodynamic characteristic to almost 90% of cars, products, and architecture.

In the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s New York was the centre of urban world. Today, the international city of Dubai has stolen the title with extraordinary merits. The 80% of its population is made up by foreigners, which makes Dubai the most notorious buildings ever made by man.

The tower of Babel was an old legend about a huge building that would serve as stair to reach god. Today this has become a reality with a new building that is under construction and has the name of Burj-Dubai, is planned that its height will be 3 times bigger than the American Empire State. Also an amusement park is under construction and it will be much bigger than Disneyland. What in the 70’s was fiction…today is reality.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What I expect from the future

Well, I would like to begin explaining this is an article based not on facts, but on a personal desire.

When I was a little child, I loved to play with my favorite toys, and I was able to play with them for hours. But the main problem, was (and I think still is) that not so many children are able to keep their toys in order. Imagine being able to play with an amazing toy that will never get lost. With the Play station “eye”, kids (and grown-ups) will never lose their toys again. This “webcam” developed by Sony, creates an image of, let’s say a pet, which will appear on the screen of your TV and you can play with it, like if it was a real one. Now that, is very useful and creative, don’t you think?

Now this will be really interesting for all of us. In 2015 Samsung will place on the market this incredible house where everything and I mean everything is controlled by technology and will be able to satisfy all our necessities. For example, a computer will tell us what we have inside our refrigerator, and we will be able to decide which type of decoration we want on our rooms… how? The color of the walls will change according to the type of music you are hearing. Just Amazing how architecture and technology can work “by the hand” to improve the lifestyle oh human beings.

This home will also be useful for those little teenagers who are learning to cook, because the microwave will tell the recipe of what you want to cook, and the exact time it will have to be inside the microwave.

I think it will be very useful for the houses in the future to have a “secret room”, like in the movies. This room would be used in case thieves enter your home, or in case someone you just don’t want to receive comes to visit. Safety should be an important thing Architects and Engineers should consider, while they build the houses in the future. I mean luxury is also a big deal, but the houses should be safer than they are now, we should also improve the technology in that way.

Nowadays humanity dreams about how will the future are. Fortunately for us, it seems we won’t have to wait so long, but we expect, this technological advances to be used correctly and not for bad ideas, like wars.

Friday, November 13, 2009

“Decarbonization Plan” for Future Cities

The “building sector” is the major source for demand of energy and the materials that produce by using greenhouse gas emissions. The presence of this gases on the earth contribute to the greenhouse effect, which is produce due to some gases that are part of the atmosphere, which retain the energy the earth produces and they retransmitted back to the earth, causing the world to get cooler and cooler each time. This has a similar effect to a greenhouse and that is the reason why is called like that.

A few months ago, an American architecture firm, located in Chicago announced in the “Evolution of the Skyscraper: New Challenges in a World of Global Warming and Recession,” conference, that they were planning to produce a holistic planning to reduce carbon emissions on the Chicago Loop are, an urban dense core.

Adrian Smith said that the goal of his firm was to improve the performance of every building and major infrastructure system within Chicago’s Loop. The idea is to reduce the area’s emissions of 3.9 million metric tons of carbon per year, to meet the goals of the 2030 Challenge.” *

Even when the firm is still recollecting data, interviewing building managers in the Chicago Loop area, surveying building areas and improving their database, its idea should be admired by all of us and copied. I mean we should try to create new ways of helping the world, if we don’t want it to end and never reach year 2030.
